Converter between CommonRoad and the model checker UPPAAL
CommonRoad Raceline Planner
The CommonRoad Raceline Planner combines several algorithms for raceline global trajectory planning for autonomous racing
Frenetix Planner
TUM Autonomous Vehicle Systems (AVS)
This repository includes a Frenet trajectory planning algorithm and a Multi-agent Simulation Framework in the CommonRoad scenario format.
Investigating driving interactions: A robust multi-agent simulation framework for autonomous vehicles
Our approach creates an interactive scenario and incorporates publicly available edge-case scenarios wherein simulated vehicles are replaced by agents navigating to predefined destinations. We provide a platform that enables the integration of different autonomous driving planning methodologies and includes a set of evaluation metrics to assess autonomous driving behavior. Our study explores different planning setups and adjusts simulation complexity to test the framework’s adaptability and performance. Results highlight the critical role of simulating vehicle interactions to enhance autonomous driving systems. Our setup offers unique insights for developing advanced algorithms for complex driving tasks to accelerate future investigations and developments in this field
[Overcoming blind spots: Occlusion considerations for improved autonomous driving safety
Our work introduces a module for assessing the
trajectory safety of autonomous vehicles in dynamic environ-
ments marked by high uncertainty. We focus on occluded areas
and occluded traffic participants with limited information about
surrounding obstacles. To address this problem, we propose a
software module that handles blind spots (BS) created by static
and dynamic obstacles in urban environments