Smooth-lanechange option does not exist

This is a post of an error with the solution already provided to help people facing the same problem.

Error: No option with the name ‘lanechange.smooth-change’ exists

Solution: Make sure you installed the correct version of SUMO. You can find the version with the smooth lanechange option here:
If you have already installed this version, check if you call the correct SUMO-binary within the file which can be found in your Sumo-interface folder.


I really followed your guide, but I got the same error again and again…
Are there some other steps I missed?

Then comment this:
<lanechange.smooth-change value=“1”/>


as you might have figured out, the smooth-lanechange option is non existent in every version of SUMO except the one I have linked above. Installation can be separated in 2 different steps:

  1. Download and build the SUMO version - downloading should be no problem and building it is described here:

  2. configure - make sure that you set the SUMO_BINARY path correctly. This will likely be your issue, as you try to run a SUMO simulation with the lanechange flag, but you get an error since it is not supported by whatever version you are using.

I suggest to look into the file I mentioned in step 2, removing the <lanechange.smooth-change value=“1”/> flag from your config file is the alternative. Be aware that if you take the second approach, chances are lanechanges will not be realistic

I hope I could help you with this answer, otherwise just leave a reply with more details on your error, as this helps to narrow it down.

Thank you very much for your help!

I installed the SUMO following step 1:

SUMO version:

Eclipse SUMO Version v1_5_0+0798-17e9b9b823
Build features: Linux-5.3.0-40-generic x86_64 GNU 7.5.0 Release Proj GUI SWIG GDAL FFmpeg GL2PS Eigen


/home/kailin/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py36/bin/python /home/kailin/PycharmProjects/commonroad-sumo-interface/example_scripts/
Retrying in 1 seconds*
Loading configuration … *
Error: No option with the name ‘lanechange.smooth-change’ exists.*


set installation locations

SUMO_GUI_BINARY = ‘/home/kailin/Programs/sumo/bin/sumo-gui’

path to binary of adapted sumo repository (see readme)

SUMO_BINARY = ‘/home/kailin/Programs/sumo/bin/sumo’

It looks like you are using the wrong SUMO version then. The correct version would be Eclipse SUMO Version v1_0_1+1110-90054a62a5

Try to follow these steps to get the right version:

git clone
(in the newly created directory) git checkout smooth-lane-change

From there on, repeat the steps of building SUMO and edit the pathConfig to lead to this SUMO version.

Hope this fixes your error.

Thank you so much!

it works now although with a warning (I believe it is normal):

UserWarning: Continuous lane change currently not implemented.

The problem before is that I installed a pre-built sumo binary package, and it is in share directory.

Btw. if you want to use another Sumo version that doesn’t implement the smooth-lane-change feature, you can just delete this option from the .cfg file.

Thanks. I have installed SUMO 1.6.0, could both versions coexist?

Yes, would only need to set your SUMO_HOME & SUMO_BINARY path before starting the simulation in order to choose the installation you want use.

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