Error: convert opendrive to commonroad

Dear developers,

when I tried to use the tool to convert OpenDRIVE maps to CommonRoad format, some of the maps could work well, but for the others I ran into errors showing “ValueError: ID xx is already used.”
Following is an error case where I tried to convert a loaded opendrive map, after clicking the button “convert OpenDRIVE to CommonRoad”, the tool would break down and in terminal window I would get error messages.

My commonroad_io package version is 2022.2, which satisfies the requirement in your file (commonroad_io >= 2021.4). I would really appreciate your help if you could enlighten me on this problem.


Please use commonroad-io 2022.1 instead.
The problem will be fixed with the next release of the scenario-designer.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

I still encounter this problem with commonroad-io 2022.1

There exist also a bug where intersection incoming lanelets are assigned invalid IDs.
This will also be fixed with the next release.

However, depending on how you have installed/removed commonroad-io 2022.2, it could be that the Python environment still uses the wrong version. Therefore, also check whether all commonroad-io versions are successfully removed, before installing 2022.1 again. Maybe this works already.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

We released version 0.6.0 of the scenario designer, where your mentioned problems shouldn’t occur anymore.
We also provide now a package on PyPI.