Conversion from openDRIVE to Lanelet2


my goal is to convert an openDRIVE map to the lanelet2 format. Therefore I first convert the openDRIVE file to a CommonRoad map and from the CommonRoad map to the lanelet2 format. In the CommonRoad file are already wrong connections in the sidewalks that propagate to the final lanelet2 file (see image). I had to change to commonroad-io 2022.1 due to the ValueError: ID is already used.


Dear Bernhard,

this is probably related to the same bug reported here. We have already fixed this internally and publish a bug-fix with the next release.

If you want to make sure that your concrete map is covered by the bug-fix, please send me your map via email ( and I will test it locally.


Thank you for your reply.


Hello Sebastian,

when do you think the release for the bugfix regarding spirals and junctions will be?
It would be great if you could notify me once the update is released.

Thank you! Best,

We currently plan the release for mid of January.

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We released version 0.6.0 of the scenario designer, where your mentioned problems shouldn’t occur anymore.
We also provide now a package on PyPI.