What is stored in MotionPrimitive


I got a question when I want to write another search algorithm.

In class MotionPrimitive: There are startState, finalState, timeStepSize, trajectory. As far as I know, for startState and finalState, position, velocity, orientation and time step are stored. Is it correct? And what are stored in trajectory? Are they intermediate states of each time step?

Thanks in advance!

If you refer to motion primitive xmls under GSMP/motion_automata/motion_primitives, you can see that the motion primitives are basically a list of states. As the provided primitives are computed for 0.5 second, and the states are generated with a time step of 0.1 second, overall you can expect 6 states:

  1. a start state (t = 0.0 s)
  2. a final state (t = 0.5 s)
  3. 4 intermediate states (t = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 s)

Thanks for your reply! It’s pretty clear.