Visualisation of CommonRoad-RL


The thing that is wanted to me to create a video with the CommonRoad Solution which is created in Tutorial 4, but I don’t know how to do it. The data obtained in the sols/*.xml files are only the changes in the acceleration of the ego vehicle in x and y directions with respect to time. How can I obtain a video or any visualisation tool using this data?

I have already created videos by combining frames which are generated in Tutorial 4 with “cv2.VideoWriter”. Let’s say I create a video somehow with these solutions too, what will be the difference from I did?


Sorry I don’t quite understand what you want to visualize. Do you want to visualize a CommonRoad scenario? Please refer to the tutorials of commonroad-io for visualizing a CommonRoad scenario.

I want to visualise the results in fourth cell “Generate a CommonRoad solution” of Tutorial 4.

Hi, in CommonRoad-RL you could visualize a trained model using, as Section 2 in Tutorial 4 suggests. If you want to visualize a CommonRoad solution generated in Section 4 in Tutorial 4, you could visualize the scenario and the trajectory contained in the PlanningProblemSolution contained in the solution file.