Validity of feasible solution: "Solution feasible but got unexpected error in computation of costs: No curvilinear system found for projection.Check whether the trajectory leaves the lanelet_network."

I have some solutions which get checked as valid (as the validity checker doesnt check whether the car leaves the lanelet network) which i can’t submit to the challanges.
The reason being that the cost-function can’t be evaluated if the car leaves the lanelet-network.

One example is shown here:


Is there a way to still submit them for the challange or are the solutions supposed to be constructed such that they won’t leave the lanelet network (instead of the weaker requirement to not go off-road)?

There might be edge cases in the computation of the costs for the solution, where a reference path cannot be found or the projection to the reference path fails. This can happen especially when the car drives wildly around like this one. If you want to make sure it passes the evaluation on the website, you can evaluate the cost function before submitting them as explained in this tutorial or don’t let your vehicle drive too much into oncoming lanes (which will yield lower costs, too).