Unable to save solution file


I have Ubuntu 20.04 OS.

In the last cell of commonroad3 notebook, there is the code

csw = CommonRoadSolutionWriter(solution)
csw.write_to_file(output_path=dir_output, overwrite=True)

which gives the following error.

OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: ‘./outputs/solutions/solution_KS2:SA1:USA_Lanker-1_2_T-1:2018b.xml’

I have tried debugging and the problem is caused by special character “:”, because of that I cannot save the file. As I read from submission page we need “:” character during evaluation, so probably I cannot change it. Plus, I am curious why only I have this problem and if there is simple workaround for this problem.

Thank you in advance.

Hi, the “:” character is usually allowed in Linux distributions. On 18.04 this is not an issue. I just did a quick search and found some posts reporting this issue on 20.04. The easiest way for you would be to run your code with the docker or virtual machine to obtain the solution files.

Alternatively, you can also just change the file names, e.g., replace the : with _ , since for the evaluation, only the benchmark ID in the XML itself is relevant.