Unable to load commonroad file from previous version (0.6.0)

I have a commonroad file generated from opendrive (useing 0.5.1), but is unable to load using 0.6.0.

The gui reports:

There was an error during the loading of the selected CommonRoad file.
Syntax Error: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0:'

Can you send me the OpenDRIVE map via email (sebastian.maierhofer@tum.de)?

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Sure. File just sent to the email address

This is related to a bug in the scenario-designer where invalid CommonRoad maps are generated (traffic lights and signs are not referenced by a lanelet). Currently, the scenario-designer rejects the CommonRoad maps if those elements are missing. We will fix this in one of the next releases of the scenario-designer.

We have now a map verification and repairing integrated in the scenario designer so that this shouldn’t occur anymore (develop branch on github).

Existing invalid files might be loaded by deactivating assertions via the -O flag of the Python interpreter (required otherwise cr-io probably fails because it also contains some basic checks).