Unable to convert map from opendrive to common road

I am trying to convert a map from OpenDrive to Commonroad and I am getting this error whenever I try to load the map:
Please let me know if you need the xodr file and where could I upload it to.

/home/roberto/commonroad-scenario-designer/crdesigner/map_conversion/sumo_map/cr2sumo/converter.py:34: UserWarning: Unable to import commonroad_dc.pycrccosy, converting static scenario into interactive is not supported!
/home/roberto/commonroad-scenario-designer/crdesigner/map_conversion/opendrive/opendrive_parser/elements/roadLanes.py:607: UserWarning: Parser could not find value for road_mark.SOffset, 0 is used per default.
warnings.warn(“Parser could not find value for road_mark.SOffset, 0 is used per default.”)
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type ‘QTextCursor’
(Make sure ‘QTextCursor’ is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/roberto/commonroad-scenario-designer/crdesigner/ui/gui/mwindow/toolboxes/converter_toolbox/map_converter_toolbox.py”, line 42, in run
File “/home/roberto/commonroad-scenario-designer/crdesigner/ui/gui/mwindow/toolboxes/converter_toolbox/map_converter_toolbox.py”, line 315, in convert_open_drive_to_cr
self.current_scenario = open_drive_network.export_commonroad_scenario()
File “/home/roberto/commonroad-scenario-designer/crdesigner/map_conversion/opendrive/opendrive_conversion/network.py”, line 411, in export_commonroad_scenario
crs_from = CRS(self._geo_ref)
File “/home/roberto/commonroad-scenario-designer/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyproj/crs/crs.py”, line 348, in init
self._local.crs = _CRS(self.srs)
File “pyproj/_crs.pyx”, line 2366, in pyproj._crs._CRS.init
pyproj.exceptions.CRSError: Invalid projection: : (Internal Proj Error: proj_create: unrecognized format / unknown name)
Aborted (core dumped)

Maybe the same problem as described here.

I was able to convert the map into CommonRoad (XML) but for some reason when trying to convert it from xml (commonroad) to lanelet2 the crdesigner file finder does not let me select the file that I just converted to commonroad.
I also realized that when trying to open one of these map that I just converted I get this error: There was an error during the loading of the selected CommonRoad file.Syntax Error: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘0:’

Can you send me your maps via email (sebastian.maierhofer@tum.de)?

I sent you the email with the files. Thanks !!

Hello, were you able to take a look at the maps error? Sorry for the inconvenience

Only briefly but couldn’t find the problem.
I will take a closer look into it in the next days.

What do you mean by “the crdesigner file finder does not let me select the file that I just converted to commonroad”?

I just saw the reason for the syntax error: The element is invalid, i.e., the minutes. Please replace it by <time>00:00:00</time> or remove the complete environment part since it anyways only contains default values.

When I click on convert commonroad to lanelet2 I get prompted to select the file that I want to convert but al the .xml files are on light gray (meaning it does not let me click on them) like if it wasn’t the correct format it is looking for
Not sure now if it is just me, were you able to convert the xml file I sent into lanelet2 using the gui?
If so, is there a way I could do it from the command line directly to see if that works

I have the same problem. This is a bug in the GUI. We will fix it as soon as possible.

There exist two other options to convert a CommonRoad map to lanelet2:

Update: I think this is no error. You have to load the CommonRoad map/scenario first via the standard methods, e.g., button on the left top corner or via File->Open.

With the button “Convert CommonRoad to Lanelet2”, only the directory where the lanelet2 map should be stored is selected (the converter uses the same file name as the CommonRoad map has). After selecting the directory, the conversion is triggered automatically.