Unable to checkout 'Update release 2022.2' on Windows due to invalid filenames


I just noticed that I am unable to checkout the newest commit (hash: 76bf7e65d840d6c3fcb4f33ae2bbc0ed6266376d) of the master branch of commonroad-io from the repository on my Windows 10 machine because it contains one file with a name that is not compatible to Window’s naming conventions. The file is named solution_PM3:SM3:ZAM_Tutorial-1_2_T-1:2020a.xml and is situated in the tutorials folder. Its name contains “:”, which is a reserved character in Windows (it f.i. separates drive letters from the rest of the path) and therefore the file cannot be created during checkout, causing the whole operation to fail.

Would it be possible to change the name of that file in a way that it no longer comes in conflict with Window’s naming rules?

Kind regards, Fabian

Hi Fabian,

we will change the naming convention in the next CommonRoad format version.
Is it possible for you to directly install the package released on pypi (via pip install commonroad-io) or download the repository as zip and remove those files afterward?

Sorry for the inconvenience!
