Tutorial1&2. only replace scenario and only 2 steps implemented

Hello there,

I used the scenario designer GUI to create the scenario with basic lanelets. And then I added planning problem and static obstacles in it. The route planner can find the route in these .xml, but when I replace the .xml file in tutorial 1 and 2, it cannot work or find the solution.
In the tutorial 1, both informed and uninformed search only gave 2 steps and then stop, which is far away from the destination. In the tutorial 2, the list_paths_primitives from motion_planner.execute_search() turned out to be ‘None’.
I tried different scenarios and try different motion primitives, the results didn’t change. I also compared my xml file with the one in tutorial, there is also no distinguish difference in construction.
Just for reference, here is my xml file:https://github.com/BabeJoan/commonroad/blob/main/ZAM_Straight-1_1_T-2.xml
