Tutorial_common_road_search GoalNotReachedException

Hello commonroad community,

since the update I get the GoalNotReachedException in the “Checking Validity” step whenever I run the turorial_common_road_search.ipynb. This happens for all motion_planners, except for the student_example one, where solving for a solution does not terminate until the kernel stops.

I already pulled the latest version after a hard reset and have updated the requirements (via pip install -r requirements.txt).

Do you have any advice on how to get it running again? Otherwise I wont know if my own solution is not valid because of my implementation or some other error.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Hi Alexander,

I just tested it once again with the default notebook (using A-Star) and it seemed to work. Could you check again which version of the drivability checker you have installed in your conda environment (via pip list)? Also on which platform are you running the code(this shouldn’t make a difference in this case, but just to know)?


Hello Gerald,

the drivability_checker version is “commonroad-drivability-checker 2022.2.1”, the plattfrom I am using is Docker. But if it works for you, I might just have to delete and re-clone the repository.



Hi Alex,

I see, then it seems to be correct. Just to be sure, maybe you could pull the Docker image completely new from the repository. You can remove the existing one from your local images and see if pulling it completely new resolves it. If you are still having issues after that, let us know and we will have a look at the Docker image again!


HI Alex,

I just re-built and re-uploaded the Docker image. It worked for me and my tutors. Could you maybe try pulling the new image again? Just to be sure, you can try to remove the existing images (docker image rm <IMAGE_ID>) and the stopped containers (docker container prune) from your local machine. PLease let us know if it works for you then.


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I installed everything from scratch and it now works just fine. I probably just had some bad luck when I pulled the update and updated the requirements. Thank you for your help! :slight_smile:
(the student_example algorithm still does not terminate, but I guess that’s just the algorithm being very slow).