Trying to build the docker file fails

Hi, I’m trying to setup the commonroad-search repo with docker on my M1 Mac and whenever I try to run the docker file in PyCharm to get an interpreter, the code exits at pip install -r requirements.txt because

× Encountered error while trying to install package.
╰─> commonroad-drivability-checker

note: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.

I don’t really know if I’m doing something wrong since I don’t use docker at all. I’ve only seen a related topic about setting up docker on windows but it didn’t really help with my issue. Any help would be very appreciated

Thanks in advance,


You could also try the local installation method. Commonroad-drivability-checker worked earlier with local installation using M1 cpu.

  1. Install Anaconda Anaconda | Anaconda Distribution
    You should use 64-Bit Graphical Installer or 64-Bit Command Line Installer and not the 64-bit (M1) installers.

  2. Follow the steps for the local installation of commonroad-search. Please use python version 3.7 when creating the environment.
