The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically


I am facing a problem when executing this line

scenario, planning_problem_set = CommonRoadFileReader(file_path).open()

when this line executed, the kernel became dead.

The commonroad collision checker works fine.

but when tried to read from XML the kernel dies.

Any suggestions?

Looks like broken python installation. Try creating a new anaconda environment and installing all packages that you can using conda instead of pip, whenever possible, to ensure binary compatibililty.

Thanks. I will do that. Is there any way to find out which package causing the problem?

It’d be better to reinstall the complete environment anyway.

I recreated the environment. but same problem

It is possible to find which package causes the problem if you run the line using debugger (e.g., with PyCharm) and step into the function.
It is recommended to use virtual machine or Docker image then. Looks like some kind of binary incompatibility with some OS library.
Obviously, this is just python code with complete source code available that fails using some system package while reading xml files into basic python data structures.
conda update anaconda may not help if you made a new environment.

The easiest way would be using the virtual machine or docker image.

Are you sure that the path you try to open exists? Is there an error message?

Thanks. Virtual image works. Also I fixed my previous problem.

Path exists, no error message. just kernel died message. Although the problem is solved now.

The problem is solved now, I reinstalled numpy and matplotlib. changing their order and with both pip and conda. At last one of the combination worked. Now they are compatible. Thnaks for your suggestion.