Submission of CommonRoad

Hi I have a question for the submission of bonus challenge as well as the prize challenge,

Should we use only one algorithm to evaluate all the scenarios?

I found only solutions need to be submitted on the website, but the solutions can be generated from different algorithms. If I change the algorithm I use, should I delete all my previous submissions and create a completely new one?

Hi Stephen,
we have to verify the planners to make sure they produce the solutions you have submitted. In your case, if the modified planner also solves the previously solved scenario (by the previous planner), it is fine.
Also, if you use different algorithm/parameter for different scenarios, you can potentially use the scenario ID as identifier and call different functions/parameter sets within your planner. Also, you could use different batch processing config files for different scenarios, provided that you specify the list of scenarios in the config file.

Thank you Edmond! I think I know what I should do.