Some errors while running Resulta Analysis

/home/dxzk/anaconda3/envs/ee/lib/python3.7/site-packages/stable_baselines/ UserWarning: stable-baselines is in maintenance mode, please use Stable-Baselines3 (SB3) for an up-to-date version. You can find a migration guide in SB3 documentation.
“stable-baselines is in maintenance mode, please use Stable-Baselines3 (SB3) for an up-to-date version. You can find a migration guide in SB3 documentation.”
usage: [-h] [–env_id ENV_ID] [–algo ALGO]
[–scenario_path SCENARIO_PATH]
[–test_folder TEST_FOLDER] [–model_path MODEL_PATH]
[–evaluation_path EVALUATION_PATH]
[–viz_path VIZ_PATH] [–num_scenarios NUM_SCENARIOS]
[–multiprocessing] [–combine_frames]
[–skip_timesteps SKIP_TIMESTEPS] [–no_render]
[–hyperparam_filename HYPERPARAM_FILENAME]
[–config_filename CONFIG_FILENAME]
[–log_action_curve] [–log_step_info]
[–logging_mode {LoggingMode.INFO,LoggingMode.DEBUG,LoggingMode.ERROR}] error: unrecognized arguments: --test_path commonroad_rl/tutorials/data/highD/pickles
I have this error while running tutorial4. Could you please help me solve them?Thanks.

Dear zzzm,

the option --test_path changed to --scenario_path. You also need to change the argument to commonroad_rl/tutorials/data/highD/pickles/problem_test.

We will fix the tutorial with the next release.
