Scenario ZAM_Urban-2_1 has no goal defined?


I might have missed something, but if I understand it correctly, it seems that the scenario ZAM_Urban-2_1 has no goal defined, resulting in quite a large amount of errors.

Is this intended (and should be handled by our MotionPlanner) or is this a mistake in the scenario?


Hi Simon,
As I can see, this scenario does have a goal state. However it only asks for a time interval, not positions, velocities, …
Basically this is a survival scenario, you just need to plan a trajectory that does not collide for the given time interval. You can also check out the lecture recording from yesterday for more info.

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And yes, your motion planner should inspect which kind of goal state is given by the planning problem and decide how you want to compute the heuristic function.

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Thanks Edmond,
I remember the survival scenario from yesterday’s lecture but haven’t thought of that.

Thanks for the clarification!