Randomized Scenarios

Dear community,
I have a question to a feature I would find very useful.

Using your interactive scenarios is quite nice and I appreciate the very well designed framework. However, what I miss are randomized evaluations. E.g., given a certain road network, all vehicles should be randomized within a certain distribution, including the ego vehicles starting position. The goal specification could be maximum progress or reaching a certain lane / exit or a cost function. At a next step also the road network could be randomized, e.g., the number of lanes, curvature, speed limits, etc.

Maybe you have already implemented this and I was not aware of it? Anyways, this feature would allow developers of new planning algorithms, to test and compare them extensively for a scientific publication. So far, I used your interactive simulations and and added some sumo commands to get the randomization, but it seems to interact badly with certain commonroad data.

Best regards and thank you for all the nice work!