Questions regarding the Scneario Designer


I have some general questions regarding the scenario designer:

  1. Is it possible to create lanelets with the scenario designer that have the form of clothoids (euler spirals)?
  2. Generally speaking, in which resolution are the lane points created (i.e. how many lane points do the left and right lane markings have of a lanelet)? Does this depend on the form of the lanelet?
  3. I have a problem when I overlay the lanelet-network generated from GPS data with aerial images from Bing: The lanelet-network is typically centered around the origin of the coordinate system. However, the aerial images obtained from Bing are displayed somewhere else and are not overlayed on the generated lanelet-network. How can I fix this?

Thank you very much in advance!


to your questions:

  1. No, this is currently not possible. It is only possible to add lanelets with constant curvature.
  2. Yes, this depends on the form.
  3. This is probably related to the projection of the data (the default projection for the aerial image should be EPSG:3857).
