Problem with the Router planner

I reran the code in tutorial 1 and 5. After executing the bfs and route planner command style, I received AttributeError: ‘numpy.int64’ object has no attribute ‘intersects’. Could you help me to solve this problem?

Best regards,

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Hello, I have the same problem. For some reason I did not get this error when running code in the jupyter notebooks, but once I tried to run in PyCharm to debug my planner I ran into this error.
Thanks in advance for the help.

hi, I had the same issue. Seems like there is some faulty code in ~/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/scenario/
In line 1550 (part of the return statement of function find_lanelet_by_position) you need to change self._strtee.query(point) to self._buffered_polygons.values()

Hope this helps :slight_smile:
It solved my issue



Thanks for your help, but I’m still having this problem on jupyter notebook.

Thanks, it is so helpful for me.