Not able to upload solutions for prize challenge


I ran calculations for the 2000 or so scenarios for the prize challenge yesterday and wanted to upload them like I uploaded the ones for the bonus exercise. However, even though I tried to upload them via the prize challenge page, I cannot see them as submissions there and they only appear under the ‘All Submissions’ tab. I am also not able to publish them to the challenge for some reason. Can you help me with this?

Thanks in advance.

Hi ge52reh,

thanks for notifying, we will check this right away. I will get back to you once we have looked into it/fixed it.


HI ge52reh,

the upload for the prize challenge should be fixed now. Please let us know if you can upload your solutions to the leaderboard now properly.


Hi Gerald,

thanks for getting back to me. The upload works now, thanks a lot! One more question: does the leaderboard work? It appears empty for me. Or am I simply the first person to upload solutions to the prize challenge?

Hi Gerald,
thanks for fixing the issue. I now have the problem that sometimes solutions don’t end up in the prize challenge.

The first time I have uploaded solutions everything worked fine, but the second time around they only show up under All Submissions and not under Challenge Submissions.

Is there something I’m doing wrong?


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