No velocity restriction for ego vehicle?


I am using the PM model and the BMW320i vehicle type. Although, in PYTHON/vehiclemodels/parameters/parameters_vehicle2.yaml · master · tum-cps / commonroad-vehicle-models · GitLab it is stated, that the maximal longitudinal velocity for this vehicle type is 50.8 m/s, in practice the agent goes faster. I also checked the code and could not find any implemented limitation for the velocity, as it is the case for acceleration. Is it correct that there is no velocity limit? What are the specified parameters for?


Dear Annabel,

Here the acceleration is restricted to be zero when the velocity is larger than the maximal value. Did you check if the velocity of the agent is larger than 50.8m/s, if it stays constant, i.e., the acceleration is zero, or if it continues increasing?


Hi Xiao,

I checked the velocity and it is well above 50.8 m/s. In the specific scenario, the ego vehicle has a free drive. Therefore, its acceleration is a constant 11.5 m/s² and the speed increases constantly to over 70 m/s until the ego vehicle detects an obstacle and reduces velocity. However, if there were no obstacle, the speed would increase constantly until the end of the scenario.
I am using version 2022.1 of CommonRoad-RL, but this should not affect the issue (it is also not possible for me to update now).

Also, I can not find where the acceleration contraint is exactly incorporated in CR-RL.


Hi Annabel,

My bad, didn’t see that you use the PM model. For PM model, the velocity is actually not restricted, see here. If you need to restrict the longitudinal velocity, you could add the acceleration constraint for u_input[0] here.
