No module named 'commonroad.visualization.draw_dispatch_cr'

Hi all,

I ran into the following problem No module named ‘commonroad.visualization.draw_dispatch_cr’ when running commonroad again, the problem was not there last year.

I check the path “/Users/chenzewen/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/visualization” and there is no such .py named ‘‘draw_dispatch_cr’’.

However it can be found in “/Users/chenzewen/opt/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad_io-2020.3-py3.7.egg/commonroad/visualization”

This may be related to my installation of Commonroad Scenario Designer, so there are two files named commonroad at the same time.

Do you know how to fix it, thanks a lot! (I use MacOS system)

We now have a new visualization backend. You can see that in version 2020.3, but this is deprecated in the newer version of the commonroad. You should use the new visualization commands, see here.

Hi Edmond,

thanks for your reply, I reinstalled commonroad again and it works now