Module commonroad.visualization.plot_helper can't be found

I try to use the Module “visualize” in directory /commonroad_rl/tools/
In Line 22, the code says:

from commonroad.visualization.plot_helper import (

But the code checker tells me the "commonroad.visualization.plot_helper "can’t be found.
I run the code in VS code, and have pip install the commonroad-all and commonroad-io.
So, could you give me some hint or instructions on what i should do?

And i also find the following codes in tutorial for commonroad_rl:

from commonroad.common.file_reader import CommonRoadFileReader
from commonroad.visualization.draw_dispatch_cr import draw_object

But there is no “commonroad.visualiztiion.draw_dispatch_cr” in commonroad module.
So i find the problem maybe same.


which version of commonroad-rl are you using? The most updated one here does not have the imports you mentioned.


The problem happens on commonroad_rl version 1.0, the information for this version is as follows:

  __author__ = "Niels Mündler"
  __copyright__ = ""
  __credits__ = [""]
  __version__ = "1.0"
  __maintainer__ = "Xiao Wang"
  __email__ = ""
  __status__ = "Released"

This version of “” in commonroad_rl/tools seems need to import commonroad.visualization.plot_helper.But there is no such module under my commonroad.
I have already tried the latest version for commonroad_rl.
It seems work on my laptop. But with the latest version of commonroad_rl, my test data results changed a lot.
So I wonder if there were some old version of commonraod have commonroad.visualization.plot_helper then i can go on with the old version.


this version of commonroad-io still has plot_helper: commonroad/visualization · release_2021.1 · tum-cps / commonroad-io · GitLab. However, you would need to downgrade also other commonroad modules to be compatible with this version of commonroad-io. Therefore, I would suggest you upgrade commonroad-rl to the current version. Also, the current version has more bug fixes and features than the old ones.


OK.I will try to move my codes and Modules to the latest version.
Thank you for your help.