Mismatch of OSM and converted lanelet

I met some problem when converting OSM to commonRoad and then to lanelet.
first, I downloaded data from OSM with download_around_map(‘test.osm’,48.75793, 11.43109)
next, osm_to_commonroad().
then, modify location.gpsLatitude/gpsLongitude from 999 into 48.75793, 11.43109 in .xml file
at last, commonroad_to_lanelet() with default proj string.

I have 2 questions,

  1. is there a way to set location.gpsLatitude/Longitude with code instead of typing manually?
  2. why would this offset happen?

I visualized the converted lanelet file in JOSM, but the roads cannot match with the base map (Imagery->OSM carto(standard))
I tried to change projection string into WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator - Spherical Mercator, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing, ArcGIS, ESRI - EPSG:3857 this one, but the scale of converted lanelet was not correct (offset was even worse than using default proj string). I have no idea how should I set the proj string for cr2lanelet…

You can set the gps coordinates inside the location property of the scenario object.

We just released a new version of the scenario-designer (v0.7.1), where the projections are improved.
I used our OSM conversion API (which uses SUMO) and the result looked good on top of an aerial image (our own osm conversion does not consider the projections yet).
Please try the new version.