Make base docker image public


I’m currently working on the dockerfile submission for the phase 2 of the competition. I’m experiencing problems building the base image. Would it be possible to make the base docker submission image public?

Thanks in advance,


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Hello Cedric,

the base image is already public and can be pulled from It is also used in the Dockerfile sample here

What problem did you experience when building the base image?

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Thanks! I couldn’t pull it via the CLI this morning, but I must have mistyped something. I managed pull it this time.

As for building the base image, here is a build log:

I tried rebasing the image on python:3.7 (instead of slim), and removed the problematic apt-gets. I then encountered problems at the RUN make -j 8 step, where some process get randomly killed, apparently due to lack of memory. I’m tuning the command but it takes a lot of time. So i’m happy to just pull your image instead.

From the log I cannot really spot the problem, it seems to be related to apt install. I already experienced a similar problem when being connected via VPN while building a docker image. Maybe that’s also here the case or some other internet connection problem. Did you check whether you can build a minimal image involving apt install? Removing the apt install commands will cause missing dependencies for the subsequent build processes.