Local Solution/Code/Work Testing - Docker Container

Hello everyone. First of all thank you very much for putting in a good amount of time for building CommonRoad, the ecosystem around it and those really nice tutorials !

I wanted to ask you, how we could test our changes in code/work localy ?
For example I want to rapidly test some changes on different calculation of the cost function or when
I add or remove a particular parameter. Can we use jupyter notebook somehow for the
Local Working Process/Workflow ?? That would be amazing. Thank you

(I am using docker container with the jupyter notebook way. I hope there is a answer which also helps the ones installed everything on their physical machine or in a VirtualMachine)

Sorry I did not quite understand your question.
If you clone the repository using

git clone https://gitlab.lrz.de/tum-cps/commonroad-search.git

then run the docker image with

docker run -it -p 9000:8888 --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/commonroad-search,type=bind tomdoerr/commonroad-search

the cloned commonroad-search folder will be mounted, and you can already make changes in this folder and test them .
For displaying internal computation results, you can either 1. print them 2. add them to the stat dictionary 3. using IDEs such as PyCharm to see internal values.

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Thanks for the response and help. Unfortunately in the tutor asking session the tutor says he should not be able to anwser me this quesitons and I shell ask here.

1.Question: How can I test my changes faster ? Because now when I want to test smaller changes of the configuratio nfo my parameters, I always have to run the batch processing jupyter notebook ? And then wait till all of the scenarios have been computaded.
How could we do this in a more precise way ?

2.Question: To only pass this Homework (Minimum Approach) can you tell us how many functions do we have to consider and/or change. As I am not going to dive deeper into CommonRoad and still want to practice a little with the informed searchign algorithms but without having to spend above 7-10hours.

Thank you

Hi again,
If you just want to test your changes and see the effect, you can simply do it via the tutorial_commonroad-search notebook. The batch processing is used only after you have finalized your planner to check its performance on other scenarios.

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Edmond thank you Sir ! That helped me really ! Now it even makes Fun to empirically test different things.