Is there any available method for visualization?

I try to use the display_steps which is shown in the tutorial 1 to visualize the searching process in some exercise scenarios, but it fail to show that. I want to find a tool to visualize the process in order to get some feedback to improve the searching method. Is there any available method for visualization?

Best regard!

Indeed, you can use display_steps as shown in tutorial 1 to visualise the searching process. The thing is plot algorithm is tailored in order to visualise the given scenario better, to visualise a different scenario, you can adjust the plot setting in method “plot_search_scenario” (in to fit the scenario that you want to visualise.

For example, to visualise scenario “DEU_Flensburg-24_1_T-1”, it works for me with the following setting:
In Tutorial 1. Loading CR Scenario:
path_scenario = os.path.join(path_notebook, “…/…/scenarios/exercise/”)
id_scenario = ‘DEU_Flensburg-24_1_T-1’

In method “plot_search_scenario”:
plt.figure(figsize=(30, 10))
renderer = MPRenderer(plot_limits=[40, 200, 100, 160])

Feel free to adjust to your own needs. :slight_smile:

Best regards,

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