Interactive Scenario Solution Submission doesnt work


when I generate a solution.xml with a interactive scenario similar to a non-interactive scenario and I upload the solution to challenges, it tells me
__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'position'

Is that a problem with my solution.xml and if so how do I fix it? Or is it a problem with the internal solution checker

Dear Alex_Hob,

thank you for reaching out. Is this a problem with the submission for the ‘Motion Planning Competition for Autonomous Vehicles 2023 - Phase 1’ Challenge?

If so, could you forward me your .xml file (privately if you prefer).

Yes, it’s a problem with the Motion Planning Competition for Autonomous Vehicles 2023 - Phase 1. All my submissions for interactive scenarios don’t work.

Here is one example submission (I removed all steps after 50 because the message couldn’t fit the whole trajectory):

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<CommonRoadSolution benchmark_id="KS1:TR1:DEU_Aachen-33_30_I-1:2020a" date="2023-05-15T12:06:41">
  <ksTrajectory planningProblem="312">

Thank you!
I will investigate the error and get back to you once a solution was found.

Dear Alex_Hob,

We have fixed the issue and tested it with your provided xml file. Could you please try again with your complete submission file?

Yes, it’s fixed, thanks