INTERACTION csv convert to commonroad xml issue

Hi :
I’m now studying the reinforcement learning method on autonomous driving.
I download the INTERACTION dataset, then follow the tutorial of commonroad_rl. And try to convert INTERACTION csv to commonroad xml.

But i met with the error below:
Processing 1 / 12:
/Users/yinyandong1223/opt/anaconda3/envs/itac/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad_rl/install/dataset-converters/src/INTERACTION/ UserWarning: Directory /Users/yinyandong1223/Downloads/INTERACTION-Test/INTERACTION-Dataset-DR-multi-v1_2/test_multi-agent/INTERACTION-Dataset-DR-v1_0/recorded_trackfiles/DR_CHN_Merging_ZS/ does not exist, skipping this map.
warnings.warn(f"Directory {directory_data} does not exist, skipping this map.")

I read the code in dataset-converters.It looks like i don’t have the dataset for corresponding map in the code.
Does this mean the dataset-converters is out of maintain? or it have some way to convert my dataset?

Wish you can help me.

Dear Chris,
thank you for reaching out.
Could you please let me know where exactly in the code this error occurs/which command you are entering?
And did you verify that the folder with all necessary files is there?

Hi Philipp:

I use the command in terminal as below:
python -m src.main INTERACTION /Users/yinyandong1223/Downloads/INTERACTION-Test/INTERACTION-Dataset-DR-multi-v1_2/test_multi-agent/raw /Users/yinyandong1223/Downloads/INTERACTION-Test/INTERACTION-Dataset-DR-multi-v1_2/test_multi-agent/xml --num_time_steps_scenario 1000

And could you tell me what are the necessary files for converting csv to xml?


Dear Chris,

This question should belong to the forum of the dataset converter:Dataset Converter - CommonRoad. The converted maps of the INTERACTION dataset are provided here: src/INTERACTION/repaired_maps · master · tum-cps / dataset-converters · GitLab. It could be that the.xml files are included in gitignore so that when you cloned the repositories, the .xml files were not downloaded properly.
