How to use Google Colaboratory for batch processing

How to get many Intel Xeon cores for motion planning for free?

Required: linux skills

batch processing Notebook for Google Collaboratory

prebuilt binaries - save to your Google Drive

Use this in your javascript console to let Colab running when you’re connected to the internet.

Note: you can create multiple colab instances, one per your planning algorithm.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.30GHz for 12- hours.

It’s a free solution. Google Cloud also has a free trial period.

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Thanks A Lot! :slight_smile: Trying it out and hopefully it works !!!

Let me know if it doesn’t and good luck!
You also need to somehow upload your solutions (just use the mounted Google Drive as the solution output folder) so that they don’t get lost if the Colab instance gets deallocated early (rarely happens).

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Sure, Thanks! Will do and let you know, working well till now!! Cant wait to see how many instances are solved!

It Works as intended to. Sometimes we may run out of RAM, in which case Colab upgrades it to 25 GB!

You can run colab notebooks even when you are not connected to Internet using if you have your Informatics password for the Rechnerhalle.
Just organize a keepalive rdp session and run those notebooks from the remotely opened firefox. You can have several colab instances working at the same time, just create multiple files and select the yet unsolved scenarios to be solved by each instance.

Creating several notebooks in different firefox tabs gets you two 2Ghz Xeon virtual cores for each.

You can use the multicore batch-processing notebook to utilize both cores

You can sometimes get a Rechnerhalle password just asking the technician there without wating for the Infopoint opening time.