How to find the collision point

Dear all,

I tried the driveability check in this scenario, and I got this:
commonroad_dc.feasibility.solution_checker.CollisionException: There is a collision between lanelet boundaries and the ego vehicle in planning problem solution 1

But the generated video looks okay.

Are there some approaches that I can find out what is the problem?

Thanks a lot!

could you please tell me the name of the scenario file. Then I will take a look at it.

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    id_scenario = "ZAM-Ramp-1_1-T-1"

Hi Gerald,

I used the center line of lanelet as referene for trajectory, I would guess is because that the center line is not really the center.

I took a look at the scenario. The reason for the error here is that the initial state of the planning problem lies on the left edge of the lanelet. The boundary creation in our drivability checker (falsely) constructs a road boundary on the lanelet edges which are perpendicular to the centerline of the lanelet. Hence, it seems that in this scenario the solution checker registers a collision between the initial position of the ego vehicle and the road boundary.

You could check if this error disappears, when you manually shift the initial position along the centerline to the right by a certain value.

The false boundary creation is a known issue which we are working on at the moment and hoping to fix soon.
