How to control ego-vehicle using acceleration command

Hi all,

in the last MotionPlanning_fail_safe_game weekly meeting I was told that in the new version, the vehicle model can be controlled by using an acceleratoin command.

Till now I was just setting the center of the prediction of the obstacle to move the ego_vehicle

(first initialize the ego_vehicle and for each time_step set:


) But this method seems a little cumbersome.

Is there any method to control the ego_vehicle in a scenario at some time_step just by setting the acceleration and then the state of next time_step (position, velocity,etc.) will be calculated automatically and the prediction of the trajectory added to the scenario?



Hi Zifan,

I mentioned the CommonRoad vehicle models:
For example, you can calculate the next state given the current state and the vehicle input. Afterward, you have to add the state manually to the prediction.
