How can I run my own planner with commomroad scenarios

I finish my own planner in vscode with c++.And I want to run this in some scenarios in commonroad.What should I do?Read the xml?Or put my planner on somewhere?I need a tuttorial.
By the way,my planner doesn’t use RL.It’s just traditional.
Looking forward your reply! Really Thanks.


our getting started page on the website provides tutorials with different levels of detail for each of our COmmonRoad tools (CommonRoad). We also have a tutorial which shows how one can integrate a simple optimization-based planner for a CommonRoad scenario (CommonRoad). You can refer to this tutorial to get an idea how to integrate your own planner.


copy that. And I will check.Thank you!

hi! I just read some examples in the tutorial.But still don’t know how to use the data in XML document. My planner is written by vscode.And I wrote the map by myself.How can my planner run in the scenarios provided by XML doc?

please refer to the first tutorial (CommonRoad) which shows how to read a scenario from a given XML file. You can then retrieve the necessary attributes your planner requires (e.g., obstacles, lanes etc…) from the scenario object.

  • Gerald