Exceptions when copying the base heuristic

if I copy the basic heuristic from the class “BestFirstSearch” (which I believe is also used by e.g. GBFS), I get a lot of exceptions with my student-planner. If I use GBFS however, which uses the same heuristic, there are no exceptions.
What could be the reason for this, or am I missing something fundamentaly?


To specify my problem:

If I use gbfs for parallel processing I only get some time-outs, but no Exceptions.

If I now copy the evaluation_function from the gbfs-class and the heuristic from the BestFirstSearch-class to the student-planner, it should in theory produce the same results right?
However I am getting a lot of Exceptions.

I checked the code and the background implementation, but couldn’t find a reason for this behavior.

Am I missing something?


In theory, it should produce same results. I tested in my case with Mac local installation, it indeed generated the same results. Does it give you the same number of exception as number of timeout with gbfs? Because timeout is also a special type of exception.
