Evaluation jammed in "Pending"

Hi :slight_smile:

Since Friday, all solutions I submitted have been in “Pending” status. I already tried to re-upload them but couldn’t solve the problem. Other colleges tried to submit, and they also had no success.

Could this be an issue on your side?

Thank you for your attention!

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thanks for letting us know. I could be that something on the website is broken. We are looking into this and will fix is asap. Meanwhile, sorry for the inconvenience.


Hi ge89pub,

could you re-check? Our website team has fixed the issue and it worked for me now when I uploaded a few sample solutions. Let us know if you are still having this issue or any other error related to uploading solutions.

Have a nice day!

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Hi! Sorry for the delay :slight_smile: Yeah, everything is working now, thank you!

the same issue occured to me today, my uploads are stuck in pending. Re-uploading does not fix it. Thank you.

i’m facing right now the same issue. Hope you can help. Thanks

Status is now on success. Thanks

i am facing the same probelm. Evaluation process has always been “pending”, and reload doesn’t work. Could you have a check?

Thank You

it works now, thanks

Hi Gerald,
I have the same issue. The status has always been ‘pending’. Could you please help me with that? Thanks a lot!

Hi Spring7889,

yesterday the website was down for some minutes due to updates. Does the upload work for you now in the mean time ? If not, let us know, then we will look into this again.


Hi Gerald,

I have the same problem. I’ve tried reuploading the solutions but they’re still pending.
Would you mind taking a look?

Thank you so much!

Hi @KathleenBaur,

Currently, we are having some problems with our evaluation system and trying to come up with a solution asap.

Therefore, there might be delays in the evaluations but if you can share your username, this would help us to detect whether the problem is related to the current problem or something else.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Kind regards,
Website Team

This issue still persists for me too - submission is now pending for almost a day. Username as displayed.

Edit: Finally went through… was there an update?

Hi Alexander,

good to know that it worked. Yes our website team has worked on the upload and (hopefully) fixed the issues. If there are any other issues, please post them in this thread,


Hi Alexander,

Sorry for the late reply.

Yes, we’ve been working on fixing some performance-related issues. But please keep in mind that due to the high load on our servers evaluations might still take longer than usual.

Kind regards,
Website Team