Error with scenario

Dear community,
when I try to simulate DEU_Frankfurt-250_17_I-1, I get the following error for almost every vehicle:
Error: Vehicle ‘208’ will not be able to depart using the given velocity (junction ‘5’ too close)!

Best regards and thanks a lot,

Btw., is there available already for the coloring bug of a rendered simulation?

Hello Rudolf,

Thanks for your message. Could you please post the complete error message / stack trace? I guess that the error is thrown by SUMO.

However, the error could be avoided, e.g., by setting the depart speed of the vehicles lower than the speed limit (see *.vehicle.rou.xml file).

Best regards, Florian

PS: No, unfortunately not. Due to the start of the new semester etc., our capacity is limited at the moment.

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Hi Florian,
by setting all depart speeds to 0, the bug disappears; however, the actual start speeds are not zero. They seem to be overwritten. Anyways, for my purpose it works that way, thank you!!

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