Error message at "motion_primitives_generator"

Hi :slight_smile:

I have a question regarding the file “motion_primitives_generator.ipynb”:
When I run this, I obtain the following error: No module named ‘commonroad_cc’

Could you tell me how I can run this jupyter notebook without the error?


Just add this to the first cell of that notebook:
(the first two segment should have only two dots, no idea why is it displayed as three dots on the forum)
Also, if you want to visualize some of the sample trajectories, you can assign 1 to a variable called num_simulation for better visualization.

Best regards,

Hi Edmond,

Ok thanks it works now :slight_smile:
Maybee you can change it in the VM, such that other students also don’t face the same error.
I have tried out to change num_simulation to a low value, and this is indeed nicer.