Error in Interactive Scenarios


I receive this error during the interactive scenario simulation of the scenario USA_Lanker-2_14_I-1-1:

/home/cr/commonroad/interactive/python/simulation/ UserWarning: Unsuccessful simulation, trying again: ‘passenger’

  • warnings.warn(f"Unsuccessful simulation, trying again: {e}")*

This error also occured in DEU_Muc-7_1_I-1-1, USA_Lanker-2_19_I-1-1 and probably many more (i have just tested those so far)
How can I fix this error?

SUMO is latest version (1.9.1)
CommonRoad-Sumo-Interface is also latest from gitlab


we lately updated the sumo-interface which required also a slight update in the scenario configuration files. I just updated the scenarios and moved them to our main scenario repository under the folder scenarios/interactive.

So when you use the latest interactive scenarios from the link posted above, the error will not occur anymore.


Hello Moritz,

First of all thank you for your answer.
I pulled the new scenarios and tried it but I still geht the “passenger” error.

Retrying in 1 seconds
Loading configuration … done.
****Starting server on port 51807 ****
Loading net-file from ‘/home/cr/commonroad/interactive/scenarios/NGSIM/Lankershim/USA_Lanker-2_14_I-1-1/’ … done (16ms).
Loading additional-files from ‘/home/cr/commonroad/interactive/scenarios/NGSIM/Lankershim/USA_Lanker-2_14_I-1-1/USA_Lanker-2_14_I-1-1.add.xml’ … done (1ms).
Loading done.
Simulation version 1.9.1 started with time: 0.00
Warning: Invalid departPos 29.46 given for vehicle ‘2880’. Inserting at lane end instead.
Warning: Invalid departPos 47.16 given for vehicle ‘2948’. Inserting at lane end instead.
Warning: Invalid departPos 9.01 given for vehicle ‘2985’. Inserting at lane end instead.
Warning: Invalid departPos 29.46 given for vehicle ‘2880’. Inserting at lane end instead.
Warning: Invalid departPos 29.46 given for vehicle ‘2880’. Inserting at lane end instead.
/home/cr/commonroad/interactive/python/simulation/ UserWarning: Unsuccessful simulation, trying again: ‘passenger’

  • warnings.warn(f"Unsuccessful simulation, trying again: {e}")*

/home/cr/commonroad/interactive/python/simulation/ UserWarning: Unsuccessful simulation, trying again: Connection ‘USA_Lanker-2_14_I-1-1’ is already active.

  • warnings.warn(f"Unsuccessful simulation, trying again: {e}")*



EDIT: Just saw that the master branch of commonroad-sumo-interface is ahead of the interactive branch. Which was choosen during installation with commonroad-interactive-scenarios. Might an update to the master branch fix this issue or is it not related to this?

In the latest version of the interactive scenario repository, the sumo-interface repository is not cloned anymore in the install bash script. Instead it is installed as the sumocr pip package from the requirements file. But updating the repository works just as fine.

ok, thank you, I will try it. Just saw your commit now on the commonroad-interactive-scenarios repo!

Thank you Moritz, the scenarios are working now but I captured an other problem. When I create a GIF from simulation via create_gif(), the ego vehicle is only visible in the first frame and disappears after that. Anyway, follow_ego still works and also the trajectory is visible.

EDIT: Here is a short example

I just revised some helper functions in the sumo-interface and interactive scenarios repo:
create_gif was renamed to create_video and accepts now a dict of ego_vehicles that is returned by simulate_with_planner. In the updated tutorial it works, but I think it also worked before. If the problem persists, you could also share your code.

Yes thank you, I tried it with the new tutorial ( and the visualization works fine now