Discussion about competition rules

The jury proposed the following rules for the competition. In the next step, interested participants can comment on the rules and propose changes.


The scenario files provide maps and bounding boxes for all traffic participants in the environment.
In the competition, we distinguish between two scenario formats: non-interactive and interactive scenarios.
In non-interactive scenarios, the behavior of each traffic participant is predefined, and their trajectory is provided for the complete planning horizon, which enables newcomers to get started more easily.
Interactive scenarios simulate the behavior of other traffic participants in a closed loop with the ego vehicle using the traffic simulator SUMO; only the current bounding boxes are provided to the participants. Highway and urban scenarios will be mixed about 50/50.


Solutions for each scenario are evaluated using cost functions and are ranked in a separate leaderboard per scenario.
Solutions with collisions are rejected.
Solutions that violate traffic rules are penalized through a penalty term in the cost function of the respective solution.
Details on the cost functions will be provided soon.

Competition stages

1st stage: July 1st - July 31st

  • Mix of non-interactive & interactive scenarios.
  • Scenarios are public.
  • Submission of solution trajectories as XML files.
  • No prizes and everyone can participate in the 2nd stage.

2nd stage: August 1st - September 1st

  • Only interactive scenarios.
  • Scenarios are unknown to the participants.
  • Submission of motion planning software as docker images and evaluation on unknown scenarios on our server.
  • Winner: most no. 1 solutions among all scenarios.
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