Disappearing docker submissions


I am currently working on phase 2 of the competition. I submitted a test image to see how the system works. It searches for scenarios (as in the example provided here) but doesn’t actually solve anything.

I waited a while, and when I refreshed the page, i was surprised to see that my submission disappeared. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VBwkF79bLYOwvJk7Onqs5u8xIIE6ZkzQ?usp=sharing

What is going on exactly? Is it possible to see the logs of the run?

Thank you for your help,


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unfortunately, there is a bug in the website backend that prevents docker image submissions, which exited successfully but generated no solutions, from being displayed on the website. Currently, only containers that returned an error or created at least one solution are shown. Probably, this will be fixed today.

There are no detailed logs available to prevent users from, e.g., writing all scenario files to the log.
The scenarios are basically very similar to the scenarios from the /interactive folder from the first phase.


The issue has been resolved. Thank you very much!
