Default implementation of search algorithms (A*) - implementation of heuristic function


to get a better understanding how the common road framework works it is helpful to understand the default implementation of the search algorithms. In the batch_processing_config.yaml file that defines the configuration for the Parallel Batch Processing a planner algorithm has to be determined to search for solutions of the given scenarios.
I checked the implementation of the A*-Search algorithm, but I didn’t found a heuristic function for the A* algorithm. Due to the batch processing is executable with the default implementation of the A*-Search algorithm, by defining it in the batch_processing_config.yaml file, it would be great to understand where and the default heuristic function is implemented and how the common road framework works in this way.

Regards Johannes

Hi Johannes,

the A*-Search inherits from the BestFirstSearch class. This class defines the function heuristic_function which is in turn used in A*-search evaluate_function.

Hi Johannes,

It’s exactly what Markus said. It will be automatically inherited from its parent class, which is the BestFirstSearch Class.


Hi Markus,
Hi Mingxuan,

Thank you for your answers, now I understood how it works :+1:

Best Johannes