
Hi all,

when I run

It shows:
Warning: Could not write OpenDRIVE geoReference. Only unshifted Coordinate systems are supported (offset=-691600.34,-5363834.90)

And the picture is blank.

Do I miss something here?

Thanks a lot!

this warning is related to SUMO’s netconvert (see here)
So some more information would be helpful: did you use the script as it is or with another net file or did you change any parameters? What SUMO version are you using?

I changed to the version of SUMO, which supports smooth-lane-change:

Eclipse SUMO Version v1_0_1+1110-90054a62a5

But I got this error when running create_scenario_files:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'netconvert': 'netconvert'

Actually I have netconvert:
Eclipse SUMO netconvert Version v1_0_1+1110-90054a62a5

Do you have clues?
Thanks a lot

Have you set the SUMO_HOME variable in your environment to point to the path of your Sumo installation?
You can check by printing


in the python script. If you’re using e.g. Pycharm, you might have to set the environment variable separatly in the ‘Run Configuration’

Thanks a lot!

I moved on but met another bug:
Do you have some suggestions?

Warning: Could not write OpenDRIVE geoReference. Only unshifted Coordinate systems are supported (offset=-691600.34,-5363834.90)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/kailin/PycharmProjects/commonroad-sumo-interface/example_scripts/”, line 48, in
scenario = ScenarioWrapper.full_conversion_from_net(net_file, dt, n_vehicles_max, n_ego_vehicles, ego_ids, ego_start_time, departure_time_ego, departure_interval_vehicles,veh_per_second)
File “/home/kailin/PycharmProjects/commonroad-sumo-interface/sumo2cr/maps/”, line 139, in full_conversion_from_net
cr_map_file = convert_net_to_cr(net_file, out_folder)
File “/home/kailin/PycharmProjects/commonroad-sumo-interface/sumo2cr/maps/”, line 58, in convert_net_to_cr
scenario = road_network.export_commonroad_scenario()
File “/home/kailin/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/opendrive2lanelet/”, line 133, in export_commonroad_scenario
else [“driving”, “onRamp”, “offRamp”, “exit”, “entry”]
File “/home/kailin/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/opendrive2lanelet/”, line 91, in export_lanelet_network
lanelet = parametric_lane.to_lanelet()
File “/home/kailin/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/opendrive2lanelet/plane_elements/”, line 165, in to_lanelet
copy.deepcopy(self), left_vertices, center_vertices, right_vertices, self.id_
File “/home/kailin/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/opendrive2lanelet/”, line 66, in init
File “/home/kailin/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/commonroad/scenario/”, line 170, in init
self.line_marking_left_vertices = line_marking_left_vertices
File “/home/kailin/anaconda3/envs/commonroad-py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/commonroad/scenario/”, line 318, in line_marking_left_vertices
AssertionError: <Lanelet/line_marking_left_vertices>: Provided lane marking type of left boundary is not valid! type = <class ‘float’>

It looks like there is a problem with the intermediate OpenDrive file.
Could you send me the xodr file which was written to the scenario folder and the net file you wanted to convert?
Which netconvert version are you using?

I am following this in commonroad-sumo-interface, without any changes


Eclipse SUMO netconvert Version v1_0_1+1110-90054a62a5
Build features: Linux-5.3.0-42-generic x86_64 GNU 7.5.0 Release Proj GUI GDAL FFmpeg GL2PS SWIG

There seems to be an incompatibility of the latest commonroad-io version with the opendrive2lanelet converter. As a quick fix, you could downgrade with

pip install commonroad-io==2019.2

We updated both, opendrive2lanelet and the sumo-interface. They support the latest commonroad-io version now.


the environment variable SUMO_HOME doesn’t update after I reset the value of it in “Run configuration”.