Converting CommonRoad to OpenDrive

Hi All,

I want to convert the CommonRoad scenarios to OpenScenario/Drive format to run within the Carla Scenario Runner.

Do you have any converter for this? If there is not, do you have any suggestion for me? What points should I pay attention while converting the CommonRoad scenarios to OpenDrive format.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Utku,

we do not have a CommonRoad to OpenScenario converter, only a OpenScenario to CommonRoad converter.
However, we a working on a Python interface for CARLA containing a CommonRoad to OpenDRIVE conversion which we will release next year.


Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for your answer. I will try to find a way to do that.


Are there any updates regarding the CARLA interface?

The CARLA-Interface release is planned for next year.