Converted Lanelet2 missing lane mark tyoe

Hello everyone,

i have a question about the Opendrive2lanelet tool.
i am using this tool to convert my Opendrive map to lanelet map,

my Opendrive map is very simple and here is the code:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<header revMajor="1" revMinor="4" north="0" south="0" west="0" east="0">
		<geoReference><![CDATA[+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs]]></geoReference>
	<road id="101" length="180" junction="-1">
		<type s="0" type="town" />
			<geometry s="0" x="0" y="0" hdg="0" length="50">
				<line />
			<geometry s="50" x="50" y="0" hdg="0" length="30">
				<spiral curvStart="0" curvEnd="0.02" />
			<geometry s="80" x="79.731122666330791" y="2.9807694262868862" hdg="0.30000000011137207" length="100">
				<arc curvature="0.02" />
			<laneOffset s="0" a="0" b="0" c="0" d="0" />
			<laneSection s="0">
					<lane id="1" type="driving">
							<predecessor id="1" />
							<successor id="1" />
						<width sOffset="0" a="3.2270606464913301" b="0" c="0" d="0" />
						<roadMark sOffset="0" type="solid" weight="standard" color="white" width="0.13" />
						<material sOffset="0" surface="asphalt" friction="0.80000000000000004" roughness="0.014999999999999999" />
						<speed sOffset="0" max="50" />
					<lane id="0" type="driving">
						<roadMark sOffset="0" type="broken" weight="standard" color="white" width="0.14999999999999999" />
					<lane id="-1" type="driving">
							<predecessor id="-1" />
							<successor id="-1" />
						<width sOffset="0" a="3.2270606464913301" b="0" c="0" d="0" />
						<roadMark sOffset="0" type="solid" weight="standard" color="white" width="0.13" />
						<material sOffset="0" surface="asphalt" friction="0.80000000000000004" roughness="0.014999999999999999" />
						<speed sOffset="0" max="50" />
		<objects />

i am using the following command to convert the map:

opendrive2lanelet-convert < .xodr> --osm "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +ellps=WGS84" -o <.osm>

The problem is, i couldn’t find any information about lane marking type in the converted lanelet2 file

here is the converted lanelet2:

there are just some info about ref nodes under way tag, but no info about lane marking.

The way tag should contain the information like:

<tag k='type' v='line_thin' />
<tag k='subtype' v='dashed' />

Does anyone know where the problem is?

Looking forward to your answers


Dear Zhenlin,

line markings are not converted into the lanelet format.
Only the road geometry is converted.


Dear Sebastian,

i understand now, thanks for your replay.

