Configuration item not supported: reward_configs_sparse


I have installed Commonroad all using >pip install commonroad-all==0.0.2 and commonroad_rl using pip install commonroad-rl==2023.1.3 . My python version is 3.7.13 and gym version is 0.21.0. But I get the following error. I looked at a similar issue but looks like all things are upto date as per that issue , link to the issue >> Minimal example, commonroad_rl/gym_commonroad/configs.yaml not found

I am trying the basic example provided to run the gym environment using the following code.

import gym
import commonroad_rl.gym_commonroad

# kwargs overwrites configs defined in commonroad_rl/gym_commonroad/configs.yaml
env = gym.make("commonroad-v1",
               action_configs={"action_type": "continuous"},
               goal_configs={"observe_distance_goal_long": True,
                             "observe_distance_goal_lat": True},
               surrounding_configs={"observe_lidar_circle_surrounding": True,
                                    "lidar_circle_num_beams": 20},
               reward_configs_sparse={"reward_goal_reached": 50.,
                                      "reward_collision": -100.})

observation = env.reset()
for _ in range(500):
  # env.render() # rendered images with be saved under ./img
  action = env.action_space.sample()  # your agent here (this takes random actions)
  observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)

  if done:
      observation = env.reset()

Error I get

AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_26200\ in
8 surrounding_configs={“observe_lane_circ_surrounding”: True, “lane_circ_sensor_range_radius”: 100.},
9 reward_type=“sparse_reward”,
—> 10 reward_configs_sparse={“reward_goal_reached”: 50., “reward_collision”: -100})
12 observation = env.reset()

c:\Users\Anaconda3\envs\commonroad_2\lib\site-packages\gym\envs\ in make(id, **kwargs)
234 def make(id, **kwargs):
→ 235 return registry.make(id, **kwargs)

c:\Users\Anaconda3\envs\commonroad_2\lib\site-packages\gym\envs\ in make(self, path, **kwargs)
127“Making new env: %s”, path)
128 spec = self.spec(path)
→ 129 env = spec.make(**kwargs)
130 return env

c:\Users\Anaconda3\envs\commonroad_2\lib\site-packages\gym\envs\ in make(self, kwargs)
88 else:
89 cls = load(self.entry_point)
—> 90 env = cls(
92 # Make the environment aware of which spec it came from.

c:\Users\Anaconda3\envs\commonroad_2\lib\site-packages\commonroad_rl\gym_commonroad\ in init(self, meta_scenario_path, train_reset_config_path, test_reset_config_path, visualization_path, logging_path, test_env, play, config_file, logging_mode, **kwargs)
96 if kwargs is not None:
97 for k, v in kwargs.items():
—> 98 assert k in self.configs, f"Configuration item not supported: {k}"
99 # TODO: update only one term in configs
100 if isinstance(v, dict):

AssertionError: Configuration item not supported: reward_configs_sparse

Hi @vnarang,

thanks for your question. The config parameter names changed and that created this error. It is now corrected in the public gitlab repository and we will update the minimal example on the website in the next days.

If you install commmonroad-rl via pip you additionally need to add two lines in the config to your training data and meta scenario. You can download the default pickle files from the public repository: pickles · master · tum-cps / commonroad-rl · GitLab

Generally, you do not need to install commonroad-all if you just want to use commonroad-rl. I suggest to just install commonroad-rl with pip install commonroad-rl.


Thanks for answering . I was able to follow and move ahead , But Now I face another error . Shown below .

I have also attached the notebook with detailed error messages. pLease advise .

Hi @vnarang ,

can you please give some more detaisl and attach the notebook you used?
From the error I can only guess, but maybe check your callbacks.


Hi Philipp, Thanks fro responding . I am no able to attach the notebook file here, that is the reason I shared a snap shot .

I have uploaded the files to the following location. Thanks for helping out.

Tutorial 02 - Vanilla Learning


Hi, by default the pickle files for the scenarios are stored under commonroad-rl/pickles, see here. The cause for your error is most likely that there is no pickle files in problem_train or you assigned in the tutorial to load from an empty folder.
