CommonRoad version of XML-file is not supported

I tried to get motion planning solutions from a docker submission provided by former competitioners, I got the solutions successfully but was not able to read them. The version of commonroad-io of the docker submission is 2022.1, I built a conda envirionment to read the results, I used the code example provided in commonroad-io gir repository to read them, I had no problem reading and visualizing the scenarios, but when reading the solutioins, the following error pops out:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 10, in
scenario, planning_problem_set = CommonRoadFileReader(file_path).open()
File “/home/uwu/anaconda3/envs/io-202201/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/”, line 81, in open
File “/home/uwu/anaconda3/envs/io-202201/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/”, line 127, in _read_header
AssertionError: <CommonRoadFileReader/_read_header>: CommonRoad version of XML-file solutions_example/solution_KS1:TR1:DEU_Aachen-3_1_I-1:2020a.xml is not supported. Supported versions: {‘2018b’, ‘2020a’}. Got version: None.


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Please start a Github discussion and provide the corresponding files to reproduce the error. Also mention the cr-io version you are using.
