Changing LaneletType of Exisiting Lanelet

Hello there,

I am currently doing the tutorials of Common Road and I was getting a UserWarning in the Input-Output Tutorial about the Lanelet Type (that was not defined in the scenario). So I tried to get rid of this warning by doing
for l in scenario.lanelet_network.lanelets: l.lanelet_type = LaneletType.HIGHWAY
but those lines causing the error:
AssertionError: <Lanelet/lanelet_type>: Provided type is not valid! type = <enum 'LaneletType'>
So I am wondering if it is not possible to change the type of an existing lanelet or is there a mistake? “LaneletType” should be valid, right?

Thank you for your answer.

In general, you can ignore this warning.
Can you try:
for l in scenario.lanelet_network.lanelets: l.lanelet_type = { LaneletType.HIGHWAY }

It should be a set of lanelet types.
We will update the AssertionError text so it will get clear.

Thank you for your answer!
{ LaneletType.HIGHWAY } works perfect.