Cannot test Survival Mode


I am trying to test my implementation on survival scenarios.
To do this, I use the tutorial notebooks and switch out the scenario. (e.g. to ‘ZAM_Tutorial-1_2_T-2’)

When I try to initialize the MoitionPlanner, I get an IndexError:

~/Desktop/commonroad-search/tutorials/1_search_algorithms/../../SMP/motion_planner/search_algorithms/ in parse_planning_problem(self)
    118         # get lanelet id of the goal region, which can be of different types
    119         self.list_ids_lanelets_goal = None
--> 120         if hasattr(self.planningProblem.goal.state_list[0], 'position'):
    121             if hasattr(self.planningProblem.goal.state_list[0].position, 'center'):
    122                 self.list_ids_lanelets_goal = self.scenario.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_position(

IndexError: list index out of range

Do I have to change something to test survival scenarios? The error does not seem to have anything to do with my implementation in Also, how many of the 500 scenarios are survival scenarios?

Thanks in advance.


thanks for your question. We just tested and it seems to only be an issue with this specific scenario (ZAM_Tutorial-1_2_T-2). This scenario is only used as demo for one of the notebooks and is not meant to be used for the motion planning exercise (hence it is also not in the scenarios/exercise folder).

You can test with one other survival scenario (e.g., DEU_Backnang-5_1_T-1). There it works. please let us know in case you still get an error.


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